Jennie Meyer has always found connection through dreams to her own inner journey and her outer path and the people in it. She loves listening to the dreams of others and helping them find meaning and direction inside and out.

Jennie’s training and experience teaching yoga and meditation lend an embodied and centered approach to her dreamwork. Her Masters of Divinity, Buddhist studies, and passion for spirituality, including the ways of the Earth/Mother Goddess, allow her to be a wide-open receiver of each individual’s dream content. A published and long-time poet, Jennie is versed in the symbol and metaphor of the language of dreams.

As a Certified Dreamwork Professional, trained by the Institute for Dream Studies (CDP, IDS, 2021), Jennie offers Group Dream Workshops and Dream Discovery Series both online and in person, and offers Individual Dreamwork Sessions. She is passionate about using dreamwork to help people connect to their inner voice and wisdom, engage with their personal guides and maps, and live an increasingly integrated life. 

Jennie also leads workshops and series that offer varying combinations of dreamwork, poetry, embodied meditation, yoga, and labyrinth walking. Stay tuned for upcoming retreats with such combinations as well.