Dream Workshop and Dream Discovery Series

What I love perhaps most about offering dream workshops and series is the feeling of genuine community that develops naturally through dream exploration with each other. Participants share at their comfort level and offer and receive such helpful insights as they experience each other's dreams or dream elements, supporting one another in exploring the wisdom that arises from the dreamtime that can positively impact waking life! 

Dream Workshop

This is a one evening, two-hour dreamwork session for everyone— both newcomers and those who have attended dream workshops and discovery series previously. Even folks who can’t currently remember their dreams usually have a dream that they remember from the past. And if not, they can work with a waking-life scenario. Some workshops have a theme, whether related to the lunar calendar, an astrological sign, a seasonal celebration, or a dream- or life-related topic. 

The format begins with a time for introductions to each other, a brief explanation of dreamwork and the evening’s topic, and a centering meditation. The main body of the workshop involves two different activities that lead participants on an individual, private encounter with an aspect of their dream/dreams, and then a time for sharing and offering insights to each other’s findings based on a reliable, supportive dreamwork approach. The exercises include a guided visualization into the dream, and then a range of approaches including internal dialogues, creative engagements, and quick written responses. We conclude with identifying a takeaway— a healing message to reaffirm during the week, and/or an action step, as a way of bringing the wisdom of the dream into your waking life.

Dream Discovery Series

The series is a multi-week (two-hour, one evening/week) encounter with dreams. It mirrors the format of a workshop for the first half of the evening, up through the whole-group, dream encounter and discussion. 

The second half of the evening will engage one individual (sometimes we have time for two) in an in-depth dream exploration similar to the one-on-one session described below. The beauty of in-depth dreamwork in a group setting is that you benefit from learning how different individuals experience the contents of your dream for themselves, bringing a wider array of insights for your illumination and consideration. Over the course of the series each person will experience this in-depth dream inquiry at least once.

The evening ends in the same manner as the workshop, with identifying a takeaway, healing message to reaffirm during the week, and/or an action step, as a way of bringing the wisdom of the dream into your waking life.

Often we will practice dream incubation between sessions, sometimes with a question we are all asking together of our dreams. I sometimes email resources or articles. This kind of “homework” is optional but beneficial.

Individual Dream Inquiry

In the one-hour dream inquiry session I hold your dreams with you and help you to deepen into your life journey by honoring your unique symbols, messengers, and maps from the dreamtime that guide you on your way. 

As C. G. Jung dove into his own interior he wrote, “I had no answer to my question, only the inner certainty that I was on my way to discovering my own myth.” Your dreams are your own oracle and direct access to wisdom. I help you discern what are your own personal, active, living and true myths that speak to you with the wisdom of the night, with messages of where you are and where you are going.

In individual dreamwork, we will begin with a short centering meditation, and then enter into your dream. From there, I will lead you through a dreamwork process that suits the nature of your dream. We may explore specific aspects of the dream in detail, and/or look at the dream as a whole. We will discuss what aspects of the dream remind you of waking life and discover what healing messages the dream offers (even if it doesn’t seem like there are any!). I end with a brief gathering-in meditation to honor the dream and its message, and your engagement with both.