Fathers, Daughters, and Shipwrecks: On Precognitive Dreams, Personal Intentions, and Waking Life Events


On Saturday morning of August 12, I woke up with this dream— the salient end of a long and complex drama—

We are in Sandy Bay, on course for our destination. But I realize and say to a couple who are on a big launch-like size boat, “We seem to be getting a tour on the way because we are going by one—” “look!” then “Two!”— I point out, and also (I think I remember) three ruins— sunken boats in a shoal area off the beaches, out where the breakwater would be, but not as far out. And I think they seem to be sunken fishing trawlers with their old tops exposed, just slightly out of the water. I think how the only way we can safely navigate through these rocks is because of the shipwrecks— then we know exactly where the rocks are. And we head further out to sea.

On the following Thursday I come across an article about an ocean accident in Sandy Bay which occurred on Wednesday, August 16, four days after my dream. The headline reads~

Father and daughter rescued after boat strikes part of shipwreck, starts sinking off Rockport.


The location was on the other side of the breakwater— my dream GPS tends to be a couple hundred yards off. But what is the chance that I dream of shipwrecks within a couple hundred yards of an impending shipwreck in the Flat Ground where (I’ve just googled) other ships have also run aground over the past 100 years?


It is true, my dream did not foresee the imminent shipwreck. In fact, I received the opposite message— if we can observe and be aware of our partially submerged ghosts, we can use them to safely navigate treacherous waters and head forward successfully to our destination.


As many of you know, my practice is to incubate dreams with the Goddess. I pull a goddess oracle card after meditation with a question in mind to be addressed in my dreams. On this particular night, I asked the Goddess Arduinna, a wild boar-riding goddess associated with heavily forested regions and with courage, to guide me with regard to a possible career step, placing me squarely in the graveyard of my father complex, a theme on which I have been working in depth recently.


Dreams come to us with perhaps more layers than we will ever fully understand, from deeply personal and emotional, to the transpersonal, bridging the time/space continuum, depending on the dream. By invoking the courage of Goddess Arduinna, my dream offered me a message of confirmation for the process of exploring my own limiting complexes in order to be able to navigate these ghosts on the shoals (in the wild wood of the sea) and to pass safely through and continue on my way.


By locating the setting near the breakwater in the middle of shipwrecks, my dream was also tapping into the imminent wrecking of a waking-life boat of a father-daughter pair, on an old, 422-foot sunken freighter, just barely visible at low tide.


When one starts to record dreams regularly, one finds these psychic hits happening. Not necessarily in the exact location or with the same players or outcome, but with enough overlapping details to cause serious excitement, and usually with too few precise details to be able to prevent unfavorable outcomes. I have asked myself why, then, do we get these incomplete yet convincing hits? Usually, the lesson from the children’s hero/ine novels is that messing with the future triggers bad consequences. (Sometimes we do get important and specific warnings, so it depends.) So, if not (usually) to change the future, why do they occur? I have come to the tentative conclusion that they are a glimpse of the substrata in which we are connected beyond space and time. And that is awesome.


In my upcoming fall offering, the Goddess Dream Incubation and Dream Inquiry Series, among many other benefits, you will begin to see more connections between your dreaming life and your waking life of the past, present, and future. Click here https://www.thedreamnest.co/events to read more about this offering coming up in September and to join a wonderful group that is forming.


The harbor masters said the buoys adequately marked the dangers. Unfortunately, the father and daughter did not seem to know how to read the signs, did not know human’s language of symbols for the sea. They were on a collision course with a submerged complex of steel and decades-old disaster. They will not reach their destination on this boat.


Metaphorically, perhaps this shipwreck scenario has been like me at times with my inner father, running aground and sinking, without adequate insight and navigational aids to move forward in certain areas.


Thankfully, the father and daughter pair were rescued as they clung to the four feet of exposed bow remaining, which pointed up above the ocean’s surface like the nose of a leviathan.


Ultimately, there were happy endings and essential lessons learned from their waking terror and from my instructive dream, and an opportunity for me to again experience awe for the power of dreams, and the power of incubating with the Goddess.


Bathroom Dreams, The Environment, and Menstrual Care