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Valentine's Day Self-Love Dream Workshop

“When we are grateful for the gifts of the body and tender toward the pain it carries, we can develop a new relationship with our physical self that transcends evaluation and allows us to become more vibrant and alive.” (Kristin Neff, Self-Compassion.ORG)

Please join me for this embodied evening of dreamwork and self/body care in honor of Valentine's Day. The workshop will include somatic dreamwork, inner fire-generating breathwork, a sumptuous Savasana, and a suggestion for following up with a candlelight bath. 

Self-love overflows to love of others.

Your dreams don't feel healing, but rather more chaotic? -These are perfect dreams for self-care, bringing tenderness and balance to all our parts!! You only need one dream, and it can be an older one if you can’t remember a recent one.

Dreamy Bath Sachets provided for sign-ups through 2/1. 

Self-love overflows to love of others.

Investment: $30

Where: via Zoom

January 4

Dreaming In the New Year

February 26

Radio Interview with Katherine Bell of The Dream Journal