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Goddess Dream Incubation Study

Join me for a free, two-week Goddess Incubation Practice as part of my study on Incubating with the Goddess!

Start date is October 10, or later, depending on gathering enough participants for the study.

The Process: Each night, Monday through Friday for two weeks, I will pull a Goddess card and share via email the card, the main energies the Goddess represents, and a short recording to start you off on a very brief, before-bed visualization, using your own incubation question for your life. Your part is to write a very brief record of your day, practice these incubations for two weeks (ten nights), and then sleep! The next step is to record every dream you remember for two weeks and make a note after you record them of any associations, anything that feels related to the day before or to come, and anything that feels to you to be remotely related to the question or to Goddess energy/archetype.

I will receive your dreams, keep them confidential, and look at them as part of my study to identify any themes that seem to reflect a collective trend in any way. When I write up the study, I will discuss certain general dream elements— not full dreams, revealing details, nor dreamer names. The dreamer can say if they feel uncomfortable with a particular element being shared. I may ask a dreamer if I can have permission to share a particular dream or part of a dream, but that is entirely up to the dreamer.

What will I do with my research? In addition to exploring my passion and learning how the Goddess Incubation practice affects the dreams and lives of others, I intend to write up and perhaps someday present my findings, if any.

What do you get out of it? Incubating dreams of powerful female Spirit/Energies honors the Goddess, Earth, and positively impacts our sense of self and connection to our agency, our world and Spirit/universal energies. You might even get a question answered! Even if a dream seems bland, fragmented, or negative, record it! There are helpful messages hidden within. Some of my most “negative” dreams have held the biggest treasures.

And the bonus! As a thank you for recording all your remembered dreams and emailing them to me for my study, I will offer you each one free ½-hour Individual Dream Inquiry Session at a current value of $60.

I would love to have you join the study! Sign up on the Contact page.

September 7

Fall Into Dreams September Series

September 12

In-Person Goddess Dream Incubation & Dream Discovery Series