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In-Person Goddess Dream Incubation & Dream Discovery Series

6 weeks of community, dream discovery, and guided visualizations to encounter unique goddesses and with them set intentions and/or request guidance in your dreams for waking life.


In My New Rockport Space!

Tuesdays September 12, 19, 26, & October 3, 10, 17

6:30—8:30 PM

$168 (10% Discount for repeat attendees of any of my workshops, series, individual sessions, or study)


Join me in my new Rockport location with a circle of dreamers (which is everyone, even if you can’t currently pull them up!) to experience the benefits of incubating dreams with different manifestations of the Goddess as expressed in oracle cards. Come with your curiosity and interest in connecting with the Divine Feminine and with community, and simply with an openness regarding what your dreams will bring you . . . and others: one of the main findings of my study is a mutual dreaming phenomenon that can take place when intentionally dreaming in connection with others.


I have settled on this Goddess Dream Incubation practice for many reasons. For a deeper dive into why I began this practice, check out my blog post Here are a few reasons:


·      Our psyches and world need us to revive the practice of honoring the divine and earthly feminine energies and archetypes for balance with the long-dominant male energies.


·      A recent study confirmed that an individual’s personal spirituality, however wonky and unique, significantly protects against the risk for addiction and serious depression. There exists a light-up center in the brain that humans have for an “awe” experience, including just re-thinking about one, which is the same center that lights up when an infant is held by its parent and experiences that loving, protective nurturing. Participants of my study reported feeling held by the process.


·      When I journey before bed my dreams are often more vivid, as if in response, allowing the goddess energy a more direct pathway.


·      Jung, a major founder of the role of dreams in psychoanalysis, came to embrace active imagination as a critical part of his own transformation and that of his clients, inspiring the many branches of expressive arts therapies. As Jung asked of himself, "What is the myth you are living?" He concluded, "So, in the most natural way, I took it upon myself to get to know "my" myth, and I regarded this as the task of tasks . . . "


·       Setting intentions with, or asking for guidance from, a powerful being as we drift into dreams, and exploring our dreams from this context, can offer added layers of insight and also introduce new dream figures and elements into our personal myth-making process.  

Below, the participants of my Goddess Dream Incubation Study speak for the experience themselves. This fall series will include the added benefits of getting to know each other in person, and exploring our dreams together— components that were beyond the scope of the study. These testimonies come from the evaluations of some of the study participants:


I loved connecting with the divine feminine every night. I felt held and loved with the Goddess. It was nice to try to connect to my own inner Goddess and the answers that are already inside me. So many questions were addressed with what is holding me back and what to do about my relationship. I got some pretty clear feedback. It was empowering, grounding, loving. ~  S.S.


It was a very positive experience for me. You raised my awareness of many beautiful feminine qualities. I loved reading about the Goddesses, studying the pictures, listening to the incubation meditations, and trying to embody the energy from each one! I want to continue to focus on developing a stronger appreciation for these qualities in myself and others. Thank you for this opportunity to participate in your study. ~  M.S.


I’m just so inspired by the meditations and the potential in the incubations with the Goddesses.  ~ A.S.


Really great experience learning about each Goddess and participating in the meditations you offered for each. Thank you to you Jennie for creating a supportive learning environment. ~ L.M.


I liked the practice of meditation, the cards pulled and the guided meditation. I also feel like a lot of my dreaming was processing and it made me think that I really need that time and the space of the dream to process. ~ G.B.


I liked making those connections within my inner/spiritual/emotional life. ~ A.S.


I had been through a period where I wasn’t remembering my dreams much at all, but this seemed to help get things back on track and I wonder if it was because by using events of my Waking Life and being mindful of and thinking about what I am wanting to dream incubate throughout the day, it seemed to me that my dreams were more vivid and more relatable, like I could see a pattern emerging. It all felt very concentrated, instead of my dreams appearing to be random and often confusing. The process helped me to be focused and disciplined and we often don't think of that when we think of dreamwork, or that it can be goal oriented and have a clear outcome to a particular situation as a result. And the amount of growth in that short period, and after the challenge was over, was immense. ~ Study Participant


I really appreciated the opportunity to take part. It felt especially meaningful to know I was dreaming and associating in the company of others. ~ M.C.


What to expect: Each of the 6 sessions will include goddess and dream discussion, dream exploration, pulling a communal goddess card, an in-person guided visualization to encounter the chosen goddess of the week, and a subsequent recorded guided visualization to listen to before bed on following nights until we meet the next week.


I am so excited that several of the local study participants have already signed up for this series! Repeat attendees of any of my workshops, series, individual sessions, or study will receive 10% off this journey. Student/reduced rates available on request. Reserve your spot now!


October 10

Goddess Dream Incubation Study

October 26

Dip Into Dreams: 20-Minute Individual Dream Inquiry Sessions